Workplace Wellness

We offer a variety of customizable services to assure that employers and employees receive an individualized, comprehensive approach to health and wellness.

Employee Screenings

Screening services, provided on-site for colleagues, include biometric screenings and personal health assessments. Choices include:

Option 1- Well Check Lite
Includes Health Risk Assessment questionnaire, blood pressure check and body composition check (weight, body mass index, lean/fat ration)

Option 2- Well Check
Includes all items in the Well Check Lite option plus a lipid panel screening (blood draw sent to lab to test for cholesterol, HDL, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides)

Option 3- Well Check Plus
includes Health Risk Assessment questionnaire, blood pressure check and body composition check (weight, body mass index, lean/fat ratio) and lipid panel screening, plus a glucose screening (blood sugar tested via the same blood draw as lipid panel)


An important component of a comprehensive wellness program is understanding and managing results. Outcomes provide an overall picture of employee health and can assist in planning employee wellness initiatives and creating an effective wellness strategy.

Aggregate biometric data reports can be tailored for employers to:

  • Summarize primary health findings
  • Show overall health practices and risks of group
  • Identify overall areas of risk and the contributing risk factors within group
  • Include recommended health actions 
  • Measure readiness to change and potential impact
For more information contact our Wellness Coordinator at 319-339-3338